

The latest release of glaze can be installed from PyPI:

pip install glaze

The bleeding edge development branch of glaze can be installed from GitHub:

pip install git+https://github.com/font-bakers/glaze.git


In Python

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from glaze import read_json, render
>>> font = read_json("data/Georgia.json")  # Returns a list of 3-tuples
>>> font_name, glyph_name, glyph = font[0]
>>> render(glyph)  # Renders one glyph
>>> plt.show()

For more information, see the docstrings for the read_json function and the render function. (Note that while glaze does contain other modules and functions, the only things of any practical value are the render and read_json functions).

On the command line

# Recommended usage
glaze --directory PATH/TO/DATA/

# Alternative usage
glaze --files FILES
  1. The --directory must have the following structure:

bash data ├── json │ ├── Georgia.json │ └── ... └── ...

where the .json files are those produced by knead. Renders will be saved in a directory data/renders-TTTT-DD-MM/, where TTTT is military time.

In other words, --directory is not the directory containing the .json files. It is a directory that contains a subdirectory (called json) containing the .json files.

Using this flag is the recommended way to use glaze, as it preserves the same data model that knead does. That is, each directory contains only subdirectories with the same data in various different data formats. In this way, each directory can be semantically associated with a single data set, irrespective of its data format.

  1. However, should you want to render only a few files, you can use the --files flag, which must be one of:
    • a path to a .json file (again, such as those produced by knead),
    • a comma-separated list of such paths, or
    • a regex matching the path(s) to one or more .json files.

Renders will be saved in the present working directory (unless the --output flag is passed).

For more information on optional flags, refer to the section below.

In the event of a fatal error during rendering, glaze will simply catch the exception and write the error message (along with a stack trace) to a glaze.log file.

Optional Flags

  1. --output: Path to the desired location of the output renders. Defaults to the present working directory. Only used if --files is passed.

  2. --num_points: Number of points to sample per Bezier curve. Defaults to 32.

  3. --lim: x and y limits of the rendered glyph. This flags is passed as comma-separated values, e.g. glaze --input MyFont.json --lim -0.2,1.3. Defaults to [-0.3, 1.2].

  4. --grid: If True, overlays the axes and gridlines on the rendered glyph. Defaults to False.