Developer Guide

The TrueType standard and the .ttx file format

Briefly, the TrueType font standard encodes all of the information discussed in the user guide.

The .ttx file format is simply an XML file that encodes a font, specified by fonttools. In a .ttx file, each glyph is contained within a <ttGlyph> tag. This tag has several <contour> definitions.

Within each contour we have successive <pt> tags which define control points. Each control point specifies its location (i.e., x and y coordinates) and whether the point is "on curve" or "off curve".

There are some important rules on how to understand these points.

  1. If two successive points are "on" this means that they form a line.
  2. If three points are "on", "off", "on" then this defines a quadratic Bezier curve.
  3. If there are several "off" points with no "on" point in between them, there is a virtual "on" point in the middle of the two "off" points. This is a form of data compression.
  4. If the first point in a contour is an "off" point go to the last point and start from there. If the last point is also "off" start with a virtual "on" in between the first and the last one.

For more information, refer to:

Protocol buffers (protobufs)

In the words of the Google documentation, protocol buffers are

a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible way of serializing structured data for use in communications protocols, data storage, and more.

For more information on protobufs, please refer to the protobuf developer guide, and the protobuf tutorial for Python. Here, we describe how knead uses protobufs.

The glyph_batch.proto file specifies the protobuf for a batch of glyphs, and the is the corresponding output of the protobuf compiler.

To compile a glyph_batch.proto file to a Python file, you will need to install the protobuf compiler (protoc). See the protobuf compiler installtion instructions. Then, run the following command from the project root directory:

protoc --proto_path=knead/utils/ --python_out=knead/utils/ knead/utils/glyph_batch.proto

Miscellaneous notes

  • Since knead relies heavily on fonttools (specifically, the ttx command line tool) to convert .ttf files to .ttx, correct and reproducible behavior is contingent on having the correct version of fonttools. Therefore, the fonttools version number is pinned in knead's requirements.txt.