
For more information on how knead works, refer to the user guide.


The latest release of knead can be installed from PyPI:

pip install knead

The bleeding edge development branch of knead can be installed from GitHub:

pip install git+https://github.com/font-bakers/knead.git


On the command line:

knead --input INPUT_FORMAT --output OUTPUT_FORMAT --directory PATH/TO/DATA/
  1. The --input and --output flags must be one of:
  2. ttf: a .ttf font file.
  3. ttx: a .ttx XML format of the font. For more details, refer to the fonttools documentation.
  4. json: a .json format of the font.
  5. pb: a .pb serialized protobuf format of each glyph in each font.
  6. npy: a .npy format of samples from quadratic Bezier curves in each glyph in each font.

  7. The --directory must have the following structure:

└── ttf
    ├── Georgia.ttf
    └── ...

In other words, --directory is not the directory containing the .ttf files. It is a directory that contains a subdirectory (called ttf) containing the .ttf files.

It is recommended that users organize their data similarly: that is, each directory contains only subdirectories with the same data in various different data formats. In this way, each directory can be semantically associated with a single data set, irrespective of its data format.

As knead does each conversion, a new subdirectory will be made in data/, each with the corresponding file extension.Ultimately, after .ttf files are completely converted and sampled to .npy files, the data/ directory will have the following structure:

├── json
│   ├── Georgia.json
│   └── ...
├── npy_with_640_samples
│   ├── Georgia.A_upper.npy
│   ├── Georgia.B_upper.npy
│   ├── Georgia.C_upper.npy
│   └── ...
├── pb
│   ├── Georgia.A_upper.pb
│   ├── Georgia.B_upper.pb
│   ├── Georgia.C_upper.pb
│   └── ...
├── ttf
│   ├── Georgia.ttf
│   └── ...
└── ttx
    ├── Georgia.ttx
    └── ...

In the event of a fatal error during the data preprocessing, knead will simply catch the exception and write the error message (along with a stack trace) to a knead.log file.

Optional Flags

Optional flags only matter if certain values are passed for the required flags (e.g. if --output npy is passed), and always default to some value.

  1. --normalize: Whether or not to normalize the x and y coordinates of the control points by the em box size. Pass --normalize to set to True, and pass --nonormalize to set to False. Defaults to True. Only relevant if --output json is passed.

  2. --num_samples: The number of samples to evaluate per quadratic Bezier curve. Defaults to 640. Only relevant if --output npy is passed.

  3. --max_num_points_in_contour: The maximum allowable number of control points per contour. Any glyphs containing contours with more than this number of control points will raise a RuntimeError upon conversion. Defaults to 60. Only relevant if --output npy is passed.